
  • Maggie Stoneman: Ten thousand dollars Will, you don't have to die for it. If we lose the farm... Will Stoneman: Then we'll lose it fighting. Ned Dodd: You have to run longer, sleep less. It's your only chance. Will Stoneman: How do I know who to trust? Ned Dodd: Trust the dogs. Ward: Will, that was incredible! Becky: Incredibly foolish! You could have been killed Will Stoneman. Will Stoneman: Well how many times is there an army truck in the middle of the street? I've been coming around this corner my whole life and has there ever been an army truck in the middle of the street? Soldier: Nice piece of runnin' there. So, how old are you pal? Will Stoneman: Seventeen Soldier: Think you'll be ready to fight a war in a year? Will Stoneman: I'm ready now, uh, war with who? [Soldier laughs] Soldier: Stay alive buddy, your country might need you. Harry Kingsley: Holy Chicago! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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