
小淘气 (1994) 5.9

The Little Rascals

1995-04-17(波兰)| 喜剧 家庭| 美国
上映时间:1995-04-17(波兰) 类型: 喜剧 家庭
评分: 力荐



Darla: Alfalfa, that's a part of you I've never seen before! [Delivering Alfalfa's letter to Darla] Buckwheat: Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! Love, Alfalfa. Uh Huh: Actually, I've always had a rather extensive vocabulary, not to mention a phenomenal grasp of grammar and a superlative command of syntax. I simply chose not to employ them. Alfalfa: Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Alfalfa!" The Rascals: [singing] We are he-man woman haters/ We feed girls to alligators/ Our clubhouse burned down mighty low/ But we've got a plan to make some dough! Buckwheat: Quick, what's the number for 911? Butch: Any last words? Alfalfa: Yeah, uh! See ya! Alfalfa: Why am I soaking wet? Porky: Don't worry, Alfalfa. I used to have the same problem. Alfalfa: I'm not writing a love letter to Darla! I'm writing her a hate letter! Buckwheat, Stymie: Sounds good to me! Mr. Welling: If you were my kids, I'd punish you. Stymie: If we were YOUR kids, we'd punish ourselves! Waldo: We just moved into town. My father bought the oil refinery. Darla: That explains why you're so refined! Alfalfa: Yeah, and so oily! Stymie: Porky, you sure know how to make a sand-wich! Porky: That wasn't sand, that was kitty litter. Buckwheat: Don't worry, it's pretty fresh. Buckwheat: Hey, my mom's here! Porky: [sarcastically] Whoopi! Stymie: Wood doesn't grow on trees! [about Spanky and Alfalfa's friendship] Stymie: You're a team, like Bert and Ernie, Superman and Clark Kent, Milli and Vanilli. Stymie:


I... Stymie... Member in good standing of the He-Man Woman Haters Club... Do solemnly swear to be a he-man and hate women and not play with them or talk to them unless I have to. And especially: never fall in love, and if I do may I die slowly and painfully and suffer for hours - or until I scream bloody murder.


Buckwheat: Hey, Uh-Huh, does it stink in there? Uh-Huh: Uh-Huh! Buckwheat: I got a dollar, I got a dollar, I got a dollar hey, hey, hey, hey A.J. Ferguson: Is that a cowlick, or are you just happy to see me? Stymie: You only meet your once in a lifetime friends... once in a lifetime. [the girls are talking about boys] Twin #1, Twin #2: They like to moon ya! [Back at the Clubhouse] Buckwheat: No, we don't. Stymie: We wanna buy some lumber. Lumberyard Clerk: What kind of lumber? Stymie: Wood! Alfalfa: Hey, look! What's that? [Butch and Woim look to their rights, then Alfalfa runs away very fast] Butch: I don't see nothin'. Alfalfa: Normally I'm a lover, not a fighter, but in this case im willin' to make an acception!


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