The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985)

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  • 动画  冒险  传记
The Adventures of Mark Twain
  • 片       名The Adventures ...
  • 导       演 Will Vinto...


  • Mark Twain: The man with an idea is a fool, until the idea succeeds. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Tom Sawyer 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [Looking at Twain's library] These must be those classics everyone talks about. Huck Finn: What are classics? Mark Twain: Something everyone wants to have read but don't want to read. Becky Thatcher: How come you want to catch that comet so bad, Mr. Twain? Mark Twain: Oh-ho-ho, the comet and I are part of the plan, angelfish. No doubt the Almighty said here, "There go those two unaccountable freaks. They came into this world together, they must go out together." Adam: She says things are not right. The buzzard, for instance. She says it was intended to live on decayed flesh. But we cannot overturn the whole scheme to accomodate the buzzard. Adam: [about his son, Cain] It's not a fish. It must either be an enigma, or some sort of bug. I never had a thing perplex me so. Perhaps I can take it apart to see what it's arrangements are. Mark Twain: I will continue on doing my duty, but when I get to the other side, I will use my considerable influence to have the human race drowned again, this time drowned good. No omissions. No ark. Tom Sawyer: We're only waiting for the right moment now. Becky Thatcher: What are you talking about? Huck Finn: Yeah? Tom Sawyer: Becky, do you swear not to tell? Becky Thatcher: Sure. Tom Sawyer: On your grandmother's bones? [Becky rolls her eyes] Tom Sawyer: Well, do ya? Becky Thatcher: Yeah. Tom Sawyer: We're gonna hijack this balloon. Becky Thatcher: What? Huck Finn: Hijack? Tom Sawyer: Just imagine: Tom Sawyer, aeronort, saves airborne friends from madman's death wish. Becky Thatcher: Who are you? The Mysterious Stranger: An angel. Huck Finn: What's your name? The Mysterious Stranger: Satan. Huck Finn: Uh oh. The Mysterious Stranger: What's the matter? Huck Finn: Nothing. Just that it's sure a sorry name for an angel. Mark Twain: Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody, if he can help it. Mark Twain: A harp, a hymn book and wings? Good god, what a swindle. I'm led to consider a different path. Heaven for climate, Hell for company. Eve: It looks like a man. I have never seen a man before, but it looks like one. I think it's the most unusual of the reptiles. It has frizzy hair, no hips, and tapers like a carrot, so it must be a reptile, although it could also be architecture. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mark Twain 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • cca 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • : Stormfield's a man of faith. Means he is willing to believe what he knows ain't so. Mark Twain: Let me see, there are a number of things I want to say to you before I go. [Clears throat] Mark Twain: Always obey your parents. Mark Twain: [Dark side] ... when they are present. Mark Twain: Be respectful of your superiors. Mark Twain: [Dark side] ... if you have any. Mark Twain: Rise early, for it is the early bird that catches the worm. Mark Twain: [Dark side] I once knew a man who tried it. Got up at sunrise. Horse bit him. Mark Twain: It's time. Mark Twain: [Dark side] I'm still considering whether to go. I haven't seen an atom of truth that there is a future life. Mark Twain: Yet I am strongly inclined to expect one. Anyway, don't be such a sissy in the face of a real adventure. Mark Twain: The human race, in all its poverty, has only one truly effective weapon: laughter. Against the assault of laughter - ha-ha-ha-ha! - nothing can stand. Mark Twain: There's no sadder sight than a young pessimist. Except an old optimist. Tom Sawyer: Supposing we do die? Is there really a heaven or a hell? Mark Twain: Oh, I don't know about that. I don't wish to express an opinion. You see, I have friends in both places. Eve: What is that? Adam: It's a... valentine. Eve: Valentine? Where did you get that word? Adam: It... looks like a valentine. Eve: It's a good word, and bears repeating. Mark Twain: Don't worry. Providence protects children, and idiots. I know it's true. I've tested it. Adam: Abel is a good boy, but if Cain had stayed a bear, it would have improved him. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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