Daffy Duck's Movie: Fantastic Island (1983)

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  • 家庭  动画  喜剧
  • 剧       情
    Daffy Duck and Speedy Gonzales find a treasure map that leads them to a wishing well, which for a penny will grant any wish (through old car...


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  • Daffy Duck: You wasted a wish! I wish that burrito was stuck on your big dumb nose! Speedy Gonzales: [The burrito appears on his nose] Help! Get it off. I can't breathe nothing but burrito! Daffy Duck: Well Sam, it looks like we'll have to use your wish to get the burrito off his nose. It's the only humane thing to do. Sam? Sam? Yosemite Sam: Too late, Duck, I already wished for a pirate ship. After I sinks a certain pesky rabbit, I'll come back and pick you up! Yosemite Sam: The only two things a pirate'll run for is money and public office. Yosemite Sam: Set'er down. Set'er down here! [Taz drops the cannon, causing it to fire at Sam's face] Yosemite Sam: Ooh! I'll shiver his timbers and I'll baton his hatch and keel-haul his kuppers! The Well: And now I say, without the jokes, [imitates Porky Pig] The Well: Th-th-th-th-th-That's all, Folks. Daffy Duck: You're despicable! Crow: [after Taz buzzes all the feathers off the crows] Hey! Ain't ya even gonna 'pologize? Yosemite Sam: Ooh, that rackin' frackin' rabbit. I'd like to stretch him on a rackin' frackin' wrack. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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