A Charlie Brown Celebration (1982)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动画  家庭  运动
  • 片       名A Charlie Brown...
  • 上映时间1982年05月24日
  • 导       演 比尔·莫伦茨




  • Sally Brown: This is my report on the oceans of the world. There are no oceans in Kansas. There are no oceans in Nebraska. There are no oceans in Neveda. There are no oceans in Minnesota. There are no oceans in Iowa. There are no... [Teacher interrupts] Sally Brown: I thought you wanted us to go into detail. Marcie: Babe Ruth had a cap. Willie Mays had a cap. Ted Williams had a cap. Maury Wills had a cap. Willie McCovey had a cap. Mickey Mantle had cap. Peppermint Patty: Marcie will you shut up! Marcie: Even Joe Garagiola had a cap. Peppermint Patty: Kids' Day at ballpark. And each kid to receive souvenir baseball cap. That's it, Marcie! That's how we'll get the caps for our team. Marcie: Shouldn't the rest of our players be going with us, Sir? Peppermint Patty: They'd get lost, Marcie. I have to do this all by myself. I'm going in and out of that gate until I get nine baseball caps. Marcie: I bet they'll let you play on the prison ballteam, Sir. Sally Brown: [shouting back to Linus, who is trapped on the roof of the old barn] I'm leaving on the school bus, Linus, but don't worry! I'll send a helicopter to you! Be brave, my Sweet Baboo! Linus van Pelt: "Helicopter"? Truffles: "Sweet Baboo"? Peppermint Patty: [On the phone with Charlie Brown discussing whether or not to transfer to a private school] A private school might do me some good, Chuck. I might even become one of the beautiful people. Wouldn't that be something? Charlie Brown: [Cut to his house] I can see you now in a white blouse and a blue skirt running out to play field hockey. Peppermint Patty: [Cut back to her house] Don't hassle me with your sarcasm, Chuck! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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