动物奥运会 (1980)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  家庭  运动


  • Lodge Turkell: I'm Lodge Turkell bringing you me... Keen Hacksaw: Is that her score or the reading on the Ritcher scale? [the boxing event is about to start. Turkell has Joey Gongolong, a kangaroo with similarities to Muhammad Ali, for an interview] Lodge Turkell: With me, one of the greatest fighters of this or any other time, Joey Gongolong. [to Gongolong, who's sparring with the camera] Lodge Turkell: Champ, shortly you'll be facing the toughest challenge of your long and, I might add, controversial fighting career: the Eurasian, Janos Brushteckel. Champ, take a look at the monitor and feel free, as I'm sure you do, to comment. [Brushteckel, a bull, appears on screen, already looking dazed] Joey Gongolong: That face is almost as ugly as yours, Rugs. He's too *ugly* to be champ! Lodge Turkell: [as a shot of Brushteckel in training appears] True enough. But I've seen that vicious left hook of his, and Champ, you'd better stop fooling around, and take this challenger seriously. Joey Gongolong: Why you talkin' 'bout takin' me seriously? I did everythin' I could t'get ready for this fight. [a flashback to Gongolong's training ensues as he describes it in voiceover] Joey Gongolong: The up 'n down on the hardwood floors... didn't eat no meat, it lays in your stomach, makes ya fat and lazy and heavy. [grimaces at the single pea he's been served instead] Joey Gongolong: Everytime in my career, you're on my back! I've trained hard for this Bussmeckel, Bussbeckel, Bussteckel - I can't even pronounce his name, that's why I'm gonna whip him so bad, he's gonna *look* like his last name *sounds*. [the flashback ripples back to the interview] Joey Gongolong: I'm the greatest animal champion *of all time!* 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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