梦幻世界 (1977)

  • 瑞典
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  • 冒险  家庭  奇幻
  • 片       名梦幻世界
  • 上映时间1977年09月23日
  • 导       演 Olle Hellb...
  • 剧       情


  • Mattias: Death-penatly here and death-penalty there... That's all those men are thinking about! Skorpan Lejonhjärta: I see the light, Jonatan! I see the light! Jonatan: If you've only got one single little brother, you want to protect him from all that is evil, don't you understand that? Skorpan: Help me, save me, tell them that you're my grandfather! Mattias: What do you mean? With being away for so long... little boy and what have you done? When you come home with soldiers! Tengil's Man: I am here to take your horse. Mattias: My, my horse? But you've already taken it, for crying out loud! Tengil's Man: What? Mattias: Can I help that you mess things up so that one blockhead does not know what the other is doing? Veder: Block all ways out of Karamanjaka! The prisoner has escaped! Jonatan: You know I can't kill another man. Hubert: Oh Jonatan, if everyone thought like you, Evil would have prevaled a long time ago. Skorpan: If everyone thought like Jonatan there wouldn't be no evil. Mattias: I don't think that Lionheart exists. It's something you've made up just to get to make a mess in people's homes. Tengil's Soldier: Watch it old man, or I'll cut off your ears. [pause] Tengil's Soldier: And perhaps the nose as well. Veder: A disobedient old grandpa, that's what you are. Tengil's Guard: What is it they say? "Orvar can die, but not freedom". He can tell that to Katla when he meets her, and we'll see what she has to say. Kader: Hey old man! You don't know if that Lionheart is anywhere around? Mattias: Lionheart? I don't know any Lionheart. Kader: That's lucky for you, because you know that the death punishment will be served to whoever keeps him hidden! Pjuke: Twenty white horses will be given to he who captures Lionheart. Jonatan: [in disguise] Then I will catch that rascal! Tengil's Soldier: You have two horses that you don't need. Put your house mark on this. Mattias: Why should I do that? Tengil's Soldier: It means that you happily give your horses to Tengil. Mattias: I feel no such happiness. Tengil's Soldier: Oh yes you do. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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