侠盗罗宾汉 (1952)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  家庭
  • 片       名侠盗罗宾汉
  • 上映时间1952年11月06日(意大利)
  • 导       演 肯·安纳金
  • 又       名侠盗罗宾汉 The Story of Robin Hoo...
  • 编       剧 Lawrence E...


  • Maid Marian: And you, good rogue, have my gracious leave to pine and fret till my return. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 29 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Robin Hood 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Oh, why should I? Maid Marian: To please a lady. Robin Hood: I could please myself to take up the cross and follow my king to the Holy Land. Maid Marian: 'Twould come to the same thing in the end. Chop a few heads enough you'd come back a knight. As a knight you'd go jousting a tournament, to please a lady, and have your own head chopped off. Robin Hood: It would be worth it. Maid Marian: Is she so passing fair? Robin Hood: Aye Maid Marian: Describe her to me, Robin. Robin Hood: Well... she's.... Tyb: Marian! Come now! Robin Hood: You're father's waiting. Maid Marian: I know, I know. Tell me quickly. Robin Hood: Well, she's tall and stately with bonnie blue eyes and golden hair. And above all she's sweetly tempered. [Marian kicks Robin in the shin] Robin Hood: Ooooh. Owe. Maid Marian: Farewell, old clodhopper! Tyb: Where's that harem-scarem son of yours? Hugh Fitzooth: The maid's not with Robin if that's what you mean. Tyb: Find one bad penny, you'll find two. Maid Marian: [dressed as a page boy being held back by Little John] Let me go, you monster! Let me go! Robin Hood: Hey, John. Give me that lad. Maid Marian: [Marian is tossed to Robin] Let me down, you... you white faced... Robin Hood: Well, you're a pretty lad and sweetly tempered. Like a lady I used to know. Maid Marian: And I used to know a gentleman called Robin Fitzooth who would scorn to be a common thief. Maid Marian: So it's goodbye again. Robin Hood: It will always be goodbye till King Richard returns. Maid Marian: I fear so. Do you remember the day we said goodbye at Huntington? Robin Hood: I do. Maid Marian: And you were wishing to join the crusade and go to the Holy Land. Robin Hood: Yes. Maid Marian: It's well for England that you didn't. Robin Hood: I wonder. Maid Marian: You're serving your king better here, Robin Fitzooth. Robin Hood: Thank you, my lady. Maid Marian: Just what do you think you are doing? Robin Hood: Getting up. Maid Marian: You are not. Come now, a sup of barley broth. Robin Hood: I'm sick to death of barley broth. And once more I've been bullied long enough by you and that turniped faced friar. Friar Tuck: Hmph! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Maid Marian 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : Now you drink this! Robin Hood: You drink it! Friar Tuck: [sits on Robin Hood so he can't move] Pour it down his throat. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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