
  • Danny Burke: You didn't tell me she was put together like that! Mike Edwards: Can't you tell a nice girl when you meet one? Danny Burke: Oh oh! Now he's a cub scout. What happened, somebody steal your wolf whistle? Mike Edwards: Hey kid, how would you like to kick me in the shin? Boy: How would I like to kick you in the shin? Mike Edwards: Uhum. Boy: Mister are you drunk? Mike Edwards: No. I'll tell you what, if you kick me in the shin I'll give you a quarter, here. [Gives the boy a quarter and the boy kicks him.] Mike Edwards: [in pain] Yeoww! That's good! Thanks kid. [limps off] Boy: [shaking his head] Adults, there're all nuts! Sue Lin: Ohhhh! Ohhhh! I don't feel good, Mr. Mike. I don't feel good! Mike Edwards: I wonder why! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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