"Scarecrow and Mrs. King" (1983)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险


  • advertisement Amanda: Wait a minute! You can't just walk into my life, hand me a package, tell me to give it to the man in the red hat, tell me you love me, and then walk out again! Amanda: Philip do NOT hit your brother in the head with trash! Lee: I'm going to take a look at his apartment. Amanda: Ok. Lee: You grab a cab. Get on back to the Agency. You take my computer key card and start tracking down who owns this building. Leases, parent companies... Amanda: You know this is what always happens. I always have to go back to the agency. Lee: We have to divide the workload Amanda. Amanda: I agree with you let's divide the workload. You follow the paper trail and I'll follow Zorbel. Lee: Do you think you can break into Zorbel's place? Amanda: No. Lee: Well? Amanda: Call me a cab. Lee: You're a cab. Amanda: Once on the lips, forever on the hips Amanda: Do you mean someone slipped him a Huck Finn? Lee: I think that's Mickey Finn. Amanda: I knew that. Amanda: Oh Lee, are you alright? Lee: Do I look alright? I'm chained to a pipe! Amanda: Oh my gosh! Amanda: You're not the one they're going to ship to Russia in a refrigerator! Lee: No, I'm the one they're going to put up against the wall and shoot! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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