The Amazing Colossal Man (1957)

  • 美国
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  • 科幻
  • 片       名The Amazing Col...
  • 上映时间1957年10月25日
  • 导       演 Bert I. Go...
  • 剧       情
    Lt. Col. Glenn Manning is inadvertently exposed to a plutonium bomb blast at Camp Desert Rock. Though burned over 90% of his body, he surviv...


  • Manning: What kind of sin could a man commit in a single lifetime to bring this upon himself? [Dr. Lindstrom explains to Carol that Glenn's heart isn't growing as fast as the rest of his body] Dr. Paul Linstrom: Now, the reason for this is rather technical, Carol, but to give you a simplified layman's explanation, it might be explained that, since the heart is made up of a *single* cell for all practical purposes, instead of millions of cells like the rest of the organs of the body, it's reacting in an entirely different manner to this unknown stimulus or forces behind this whole thing. Manning: [reading newspaper] "Man Lives Through Plutonium Blast" [laughs cynically] Manning: They call THIS living? Manning: I don't want to grow anymore. Manning: Why don't you ask me what it feels like to be a freak? Manning: Perhaps it isn't I whose growing, but its everyone whose shrinking! Henry: [Tosses bottle after seeing the Colossal Man] Not another drop! Not another drop as long as I live! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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