
  • [first lines] John Moesby: Since the initial discovery of the alien spacecraft in 2054 by the Antigen Corporation, we have located no other remnants of the Teserand culture. Why they abandoned the vessel? What do they look like? Where do they come from? Where did they go? All we have is a tantalizing piece of machinery, and damned few answers. Share this quote John Moesby: You were made unfettered by the human emotions of sympathy or love, they're weaknesses. Your reasoning power, logic, and superior physical ability are your strengths.= Share this quote Capt. Harold Brickman: [takes a deep breath] Smells like adventure in the air. Pentan: Engine exhaust, maybe? Share this quote Takashi Kuriyama: I no longer need a conscience. Share this quote Pentan: I was taught never to trust anyone. Share this quote [last lines] Capt. Harold Brickman: I'm the only one that's left. Share this quote 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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