
  • advertisement Michael Malone: Who are these people? General George S. Patton: They're not people, they're the ACLU! Josh: Oh, grandpa fell asleep again. Timm: No, he's dead. Timm: [upon Michael Malone arriving] Oh, look, it's Uncle Asshole. Michael Malone: [John F. Kennedy, George S. Patton and Bill O'Reilly slap Michael Malone] [to Bill O'Reilly] Michael Malone: Hey, you're not a spirit! Bill O'Reilly: I know. I just enjoy slapping you. Mohammed: It is getting harder to recruit suicide bombers, and all the really good ones are gone. Bacon Stains Malone: Don't you worry Mas'sa Malone we got dem bacon stains out of the upholstry, just like you asked. Take over Lebron, I'll do the limo. Michael Malone: Look can you make them stop singing. Rastus Malone: Hey, Mas'sa don't wanna hear that slave shit, kick something in the fo fo. Angel of Death: I am the angel of death you turd head! Michael Malone: I love America. That's why it has to be destroyed. So that it can come to its senses. George Mulrooney: [Accepting an award for a film about McCarthyism] Thank you. I dedicate this award to all the courageous filmmakers who take on tough issues like, well, McCarthyism, even though it no longer exists. Or like slavery or Nazism, even though they ended too. But you know, evil exists today like, uh, well, Islamic terrorism, but like I'm gonna make *that* movie, right? Like I wanna get beheaded! [laughs and mimics being beheaded] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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