Simon and Garfunkel: The Concert in Central Park (1982)

  • 美国
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  • 音乐
Simon and Garfunkel: The Concert in Central Park
  • 片       名Simon and Garfu...
  • 上映时间1982年02月21日(美国)
  • 导       演 Michael Li...
  • 又       名Simon and Garfunkel: The Con...




  • Paul Simon: Well is great to do a neighborhood concert. I hope everyone can hear us. I hope that the sound is good. I hope we are blasting Central Park West and Fifth avenue pretty much away. I just want to thank the police department and the fire department and the parks commissioner, and Ed Koch. [Audience boos, garfunkel laughs] Paul Simon: And Particularly, you know, people that never get recognized for doing good things for the city, a group of people that have donated half of the proceeds that they're making tonight, the guys who are selling loose joints are giving the city half of their income tonight. [Simon laughs, starts to play "America"] Paul Simon: Well, you know we wanted to have fireworks tonight, but ah, they wouldn't let us have that, so we'll make our own fireworks here. Art Garfunkel: What a night! God, I thought it might be somewhat crowded but we seem to have filled the place. Art Garfunkel: I'm sooo in the mood. Art Garfunkel: [to audience] How are you doing, are ya cold? [audience says no] Art Garfunkel: God, you look great from up here. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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