
  • Louis McKay: [offering Billie a $20 bill] You want my arm to fall off. Jerry: I'll be a bum if you don't pull in fifteen bucks in tips tonight. Fifteen bucks. Now that's my definition of a good singer. Mrs. Edson: Ain't it a shame how some of God's children have it so easy, while others have it so hard? Piano Man: What she don't pick up from the top, she can pick up from the bottom. Billie Holiday: I hope that works both ways! The Rapist: I see what I want. [motioning to Billie] The Rapist: And this is it. First Madame: Well, you can't always get what you see. [Pulling him to the door] First Madame: And since you don't want what you CAN get, you know where you can go. And this is it! Louis McKay: Pardon me, lady. I must have got you mixed up with someone who used to reside as Missus, um... what's her name? Billie Holiday: If that's what you thought, nigger, why'd you give me them damn flowers? Why didn't you just give me some money? Louis McKay: I did. Louis McKay: I'm going out for a while. And when I come back, I don't want to find you here. Billie Holiday: How do you like your eggs? Billie Holiday: [after Louis discovers that Billie shoots up] Sure I've taken a few shots, but only when I needed it, [Louis sighs] Billie Holiday: but i'm not hooked, Louis. I'm not. Louis McKay: Only when you needed it. What do you think hooked is? All I had to do is listen to your voice on the telephone and I knew. Who the hell do you think you're talking to? One of those old fake cats you be running around with? I've been on those streets all of my life. I know what that shit is! Billie Holiday: It's good, ain't it? [Louis then gets up and takes her suitcase and starts packing her stuff] Billie Holiday: Wait, Wait, Baby! Oh, no. Louis McKay: We're going home. Now! Billie Holiday: [Stopping him] Wait, hey, baby, wait. See, you don't understand. Now, you don't know how it is when people are looking down at you and laughing at you and think that I'm a loser. And if I go home now, I'll think that I'm one, too. I gotta prove it to them. I gotta prove it to myself. Louis McKay: What're you proving with that needle? That you're not woman enough to make it without a crutch? A magic way out when the going gets a little too rough? I want you to make it, too, baby. But not this way. Not this way. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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