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The Saint in London

The Saint in London (1939) 6.2

1939-06-29(英国)| 灾难| 美国
上映时间:1939-06-29(英国) 类型: 灾难
评分: 力荐


advertisement Penny Parker: It's the first time I ever heard a bullet. Simon Templar: The one you don't hear is the bad one. Simon Templar: Tell me, what part of the states are you from? Sing Sing? Dugan - Templar's Valet: Nah, San Quentin. Inspector Claud Teal: [asking Simon Templar about his valet] Can he cook, too? Dugan - Templar's Valet: Look, flatfoot, I cooked for twelve-hundred men three times a day for five years. Inspector Claud Teal: Oh, that must have been Sing Sing. Dugan - Templar's Valet: San Quentin, and there were no complaints. Inspector Claud Teal: [leaving a few minutes later] Have you heard of a prison called Dartmoor? Dugan - Templar's Valet: So what? Inspector Claud Teal: They need a cook.

The Saint in London

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