陈查理在歌剧院 (1936)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 灾难
  • 片       名陈查理在歌剧院
  • 上映时间1936年12月05日
  • 导       演 H. Bruce H...
  • 剧       情
    Regarded by many as the best of the Charlie Chan series. The opera star Gravelle suffers amnesia. He is a recent escapee from an insane asyl...


  • Mr. Arnold: I'm stage manager here and this opera's going on tonight even if Frankenstein walks in. Charlie Chan: Small things sometimes tell large story. Lee Chan: [Charlie and Number One Son are watching the opera] Wow, Dad! These are great seats; how did you get them? I thought the performance was sold out. Charlie Chan: Man outside walk up and hand to me. Lee Chan: You mean that you accepted tickets from somebody you don't know? Charlie Chan: Honorable father not personally acquainted with Santa Claus, either, but always accept presents. Sanatarium Guard: Say, I worked around sanitariums before. It's not so bad. I like the cuckoos myself. They're the same as anybody else, only they're smart enough to admit they're nuts. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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