"The White Shadow" (1978)

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"The White Shadow"


  • advertisement Morris Thorpe: [a new kid shows up wearing a basketball letter jacket] Relax, that jacket said Montana. There can't be more than three high schools in the whole territory. Jim Willis: You had it easy sonny boy. You'll never know what it's like have to sit in the back of the bus and then give up your seat to a white man or pee in your pants because you can't find a bathroom that'll take you... Now I know a racist when I see one. And I'm looking at one right now. Harold: [after Ken Reeves has done a student reporter a favor] Did you do that as a reward for me writing a positive article? Ken Reeves: No, I expect to get raked over the coals the next time we lose. Ken Reeves: [Coach Reeves has just pulled all of his starting players from a game except his center] I'd pull you too Coolidge but you're so fat, you need to run. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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