查罗! (1969)

  • 美国
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  • 片       名查罗!
  • 上映时间1969年03月13日
  • 导       演 Charles Ma...
  • 剧       情
    Jess Wade is innocently accused of having stolen a cannon from the Mexican revolutionary forces. He tries to find the real culprits, a gang ...


  • Jess Wade: He'll be a lot quieter when that swelling goes down. Billy Roy Hackett: Swelling from WHAT? Jess Wade: That bump on your head. Billy Roy Hackett: [feeling his head] I ain't got no bump on my head. Jess Wade: [smacking Billy Roy's head into one of the bars] You have now! Vince Hackett: You won't be needing my tender care anymore You're free to go, Jess. Anywhere where the Mexican law or Mexican federales can't find you. Or any place north where the American law or the American cavalry can't run you down. You're a famous man, Jess. Don't ever forget it. Jess Wade: I won't. Billy Roy Hackett: If a woman's eyes are blue, she'll be sweet and true to you. But if a woman's eyes are green, she'll turn hot, or cold, or mean! Vince Hackett: We've got us a timetable, Gunner. Gunner: Well, call it, Vince. Vince Hackett: Already have. Billy Roy let loose by sundown. All right get that gun down this hill until it's a quarter mile from town. Gunner: Down that hill down there? That ain't a hill, Vince, that's a cliff. Lige: It ain't right, Vince. It ain't fair to us! One man's hanging is more better than five. I ain't gonna let you do it! Billy Roy Hackett: You lost your chance at me, Marcie. Girlie, I take what's warm and close. Gunner: [clicks his rifle and points it at Jess Wade as he steps out of the tavern] Where are you going? Mr. Go-Straight Wade! Vince Hackett: Hey, Jess! Now you should've never left me, Jess! We miss you, couldn't you tell? Jess Wade: [slowly responding] I figured. Vince Hackett: All right, Billy, see what he's got on him. Billy Roy Hackett: [looking and walking around Jess, laughing as he speaks] I'd say he's got on him uh... boots... pants... some kind of shirt... some kind of hat! That's what I'd say he's got on him, Vince. Vince Hackett: [Vince slaps Billy down] Take out his wallet, idiot! Billy Roy Hackett: [yelling hysterically] WHAT KIND OF BROTHER ARE YOU, IN FRONT OF HIM? Vince Hackett: [yelling angrily] WELL DO WHAT I TELL YOU! Jess Wade: [Jess grabs Billy by his shirt's collar as Billy first attempts to frisk Jess] Do you own work Vince. Don't say I need to do it for you. Vince Hackett: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • 3b 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • [clicks his gun and points it at Jess] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • ec7 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
  • Look! You've been around us long enough to know that when I bad-mouth my brother I don't want to hear an echo. NOW LET HIM GO! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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