玉帛干戈 (1955)

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  • 片       名玉帛干戈
  • 上映时间1955年12月21日(美国)
  • 导       演 André...


  • Grey Wolf: There can be no friendship between Red Man and White. The fight is to the end. Ride back to your people. There is no room for you here. Johnny Hawks: You've grown a big mouth since I saw you last, Grey Wolf, but I didn't come here to talk to a big mouth. I've come to talk to a big man. [In order to rescue Wes, Johnny must defeat Gray Wolf to a fight to the death] Wes Todd: What does that mean? Johnny Hawks: I gotta fight him for your hide. Wes Todd: What happens if you lose? Johnny Hawks: Well, my troubles will be over... yours will just begin. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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