Rage at Dawn (1955)

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Rage at Dawn
  • 片       名Rage at Dawn
  • 上映时间1955年03月26日(美国)
  • 导       演 蒂姆·威伦


  • Opening crawl: This is the true story of the Reno Brothers... Clint, a respected farmer, and Frank, Simeon, John and Bill... who were the first train robbers in American history. Looting, burning and killing, this infamous clan rode through the middle border states setting the pattern for the great outlaw bands which were to follow: the James boys, the Daltons and the Youngers... The year, The place is Southern Indiana. Clint Reno: So it finally happened. A Reno brother got killed. Sim Reno: Clint, we don't want no preaching. Frank Reno: Take it easy, Sim. Clint Reno: The baby of the family dying in the streets and his brave brothers running away. Not even animals would do a thing like that! John Reno: Dead in the streets... not dying. Clint Reno: As if that made a difference! John Reno: Thirty thousand dollars is a heap of money. Now, who would have thought of holding up a train? Frank Reno: Seems like a business worth considering. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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