Raiders of Ghost City (1944)

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Raiders of Ghost City
  • 片       名Raiders of Ghos...
  • 上映时间1944年06月25日(美国)
  • 导       演 Lewis D. C...Ray Taylor


  • advertisement [posing as Charles Mason, Captain Clark escapes an attempt on his life] Countess Elsa von Merck, alias Trina Dressard: Mr. Mason, I just wanted you to tell you how glad I am that you're safe. Captain Steve Clark: Why, thank you, Ms. Dessard. I feel pretty good about it myself. Telegrapher Dan: You know, I'm disappointed, I am. I've been expecting fireworks ever since Captain Clark buried his brother. Hans Plattner, alias Bill Jasper: Maybe you ain't lookin' in the right direction. Telegrapher Dan: Why? What are you getting at, Bill? Hans Plattner, alias Bill Jasper: Have you seen Cathy around lately? Where's Idaho and Captain Clark? Telegrapher Dan: What them three up to? Hans Plattner, alias Bill Jasper: They're watchin' Morel's Golden Eagle. Telegrapher Dan: Golden Eagle! Why, who are they after? Hans Plattner, alias Bill Jasper: I wish I knew, Dan, I sure do. But I'm certain of one thing, you were mentionin' fireworks... Well, they're lightin' the fuse! Captain Steve Clark: Oh, Miss Dessard... where did you meet Captain Randolph? Countess Elsa von Merck, alias Trina Dressard: Here, just before you came. He does his own introducing and I do mine. [reading a newspaper clipping found in the luggage of a dead spy] Captain Steve Clark: This may be a lead at that! Idaho Jones: When there's only one trail, that's the one to follow. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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