Born to the West (1937)

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Born to the West
  • 片       名Born to the Wes...
  • 上映时间1937年12月10日(美国)
  • 导       演 查尔斯·巴顿


  • Dinkey Hooley: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Where's this cousin of yours at? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Dare Rudd: Wyoming Dinkey Hooley: Where do your figure Wyoming's at? Dare Rudd: Right over yonder beyond that hill... unless somebody's moved it. Fallon: Get out of here! The Sheriff's comin'! Dinkey Hooley: I think we're on the wrong side. Dare Rudd: This is no time to think! Tom Fillmore: Why don't you get married and settle down? Why, you're running around like a maverick without a brand on. Dare Rudd: Well, I don't like branding. It hurts in the wrong place. Dinkey Hooley: Too bad to waste such good food on just ordinary cowboys. Why, this kind of food is fittin' for human beings. Cowboy: Well, I ain't human and that ain't fittin'! Dinkey Hooley: Sink your teeth into those biscuits. Cowboy: Last time I did, two of 'em stayed there! [after losing a fistfight, Dare and his friends are thrown out of the casino] Dare Rudd: Guess that'll teach that fella to draw any aces out of sleeve. Dinkey Hooley: Aw, why don't you quit playin' cards? You always wind up loosin' your shirt or get one torn off your back. Dare Rudd: I whipped him didn't I? Dinkey Hooley: Hah! That's what you think! It's a good thing I stepped in when I did or you'd get yourself a black eye. [Dare turns to the camera revealing a black eye] Dare Rudd: Yeah? I'm beginning to think Wyoming isn't such a friendly place. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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