The Man from Utah (1934)

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  • 片       名The Man from Ut...
  • 上映时间1934年05月15日
  • 导       演 Robert N. ...
  • 又       名The Man from Utah
  • 编       剧 Lindsley P...
  • 剧       情
    The Marshal sends John Weston to a rodeo to see if he can find out who is killing the rodeo riders who are about to win the prize money. Bar...


  • John Weston: Before I could get either one to spill anything, the whole gang jumped me... and I had to carve myself a fast walking stick. Marshal George Higgins: It seems mighty funny to me that every time this gang organizes a rodeo, their own men win all the first prizes. When it begins to look like an outsider is going to win, he gets sick. Two or three has even died from it. John Weston: Well, you can't arrest them for that, Marshal. Marshal George Higgins: No, maybe not. But it's might peculiar that when these outsides fall off them top broncs, they're suffering from snakebite. I tell ya, it just ain't natural. John Weston: What do you want me to do? Get snake bit? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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