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  • Mr. Azae: You don't care whether you impress people or not, do you? Richard Sumner: You wait until you get my bill. You'll be impressed. [Richard gives Bunny a personality test] Richard Sumner: Now what is the first thing you notice in a person? Bunny Watson: Whether the person is male or female. Richard Sumner: That's correct! Bunny Watson: Yes, I know. Bunny Watson: I don't smoke, I only drink champagne when I'm lucky enough to get it, my hair is naturally natural, I live alone... and so do you. Richard Sumner: How do you know that? Bunny Watson: Because you're wearing one brown sock and one black sock. Richard Sumner: Tough question? Bunny Watson: No... (chewing)... Tough roast beef. Peg Costello: The traditional Thanksgiving song? One of them is "Over the River and Through the Woods"! Ruthie Saylor: [Talking about Richard Sumner as he tape measures the office] Do you think we're being redecorated? Sylvia Blair: Does he look like an interior decorator to you? Peg Costello: No. He looks like one of those men who suddenly switched to vodka! Mike Cutler: [to Richard Sumner] I supposed I should have called first? Richard Sumner: Yes, do that next time. Richard Sumner: I'll bet you write beautiful letters. [Sumner answers the phone while the girls are at a Christmas party] Richard Sumner: Hello? Santa Claus's reindeer? Of course I can... let's see, there's Dopey, Grouchy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Bashful, Rudolph and Blitzen! You're welcome! Richard Sumner: [watching the computer result on "Corfu", which is mistaken as "curfew"] What the devil is this? Bunny Watson: [also having a look] It's the poem, "Curfew Shall Not Ring Tonight". Isn't that nice? [reciting] Bunny Watson: "Cromwell will not come till sunset, and her lips grew strangely white... as she breathed the husky whisper, curfew must not a-ring tonight." Miss Warriner: [while Bunny goes on] Mr. Sumner, what can I do? Richard Sumner: Nothing. You know you can't interrupt her [the computer] Richard Sumner: in the middle of a sequence. Miss Warriner: Yes, but, Mr. Sumner... Richard Sumner: Quiet! Just listen. Bunny Watson: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • "She had listened while the judges read, without a tear or sigh, at the ringing of the curfew, Basil Underwood must die." 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Richard Sumner: Uh, how long does this go on? Bunny Watson: That old poem has about 80 stanzas to it. Richard Sumner: Where are we now? Bunny Watson: She has reached the topmost ladder. O'er her hangs the great dark bell, awful is the gloom beneath her like the pathway down to hell. Lo, the ponderous tongue is swinging. 'Tis the hour of curfew now, and the sight has chilled her bosom, stopped her breath and paled her brow." [telephone rings] Bunny Watson: "Shall she let it ring? No, never! Flash her eyes with sudden light, as she springs and grasps it firmly... [answers the phone] Bunny Watson: curfew shall not ring tonight!" They hung up... And I know another one! "Out she swung, far out, the city seemed a speck of light..." Bunny Watson: Did you invent something that carries the mail? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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