"Upstairs, Downstairs" (1974)

  • 英国
"Upstairs, Downstairs"
  • 片       名"Upstairs, ...
  • 上映时间1971年10月10日(英国)
  • 导       演 Bill BainChristophe...


  • advertisement Edward Barnes, footman: Arabella? That's a COW'S name! Rose Buck, housemaid: [furiously] You've got foreigners on the mind, you have, Mr Hudson! I remember the time you said that the German Army had landed, and that they were all working on the South coast as waiters and hairdressers, and that they'd all rise up and slaughter us in our beds! Haha! Well they haven't, have they? We're still here, aren't we? Maude Roberts, Lady Bellamy's maid: [regarding Sarah] After all she's done, and the shame she's brought on us all! Rose Buck, housemaid: What shame has she brought on you, Miss Roberts? Maude Roberts, Lady Bellamy's maid: She's a stuck-up, lying minx! Huh! Thinks she's better than all of us... puts on airs! Gets Captain James into such trouble that he has to be sent to India. Then she thinks she can walk in here as though nothing has happened! Mrs. Kate Bridges, cook: We're none of us perfect, Miss Roberts! Rose Buck, housemaid: Oh have a heart, Miss Roberts, how would you like to be... Maude Roberts, Lady Bellamy's maid: [furiously] I wouldn't be ever in such a disgusting position in anyone's house! Edward Barnes, footman: HA HA! I'll bet! Maude Roberts, Lady Bellamy's maid: How DARE you speak to me like that! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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