Gallagher: The Maddest (1983)

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Gallagher: The Maddest
  • 片       名Gallagher: The ...
  • 导       演 Wayne Orr
  • 又       名Gallagher: The Maddest
  • 编       剧 Gallagher




  • Gallagher: You don't want this child's earliest memory to be of you, shouting through a fog-filled car window, "Don't cry! Conserve your air! Daddy's sorry!" Gallagher: [rolls up his pants to untie his skates] I wanna show you another thing that lacks style. And it ain't my leg. Gallagher: It's hard to go through life looking like a bowling ball in a hula skirt. Gallagher: I see a switch on the wall; it has 'on' and 'off' on it. If it's on you can see it's on; if it's off you can't see to read. Gallagher: A bag of Fritos that I saw... it said, 'You may have won ten thousand dollars... no purchase necessary, details inside!' Gallagher: What'd I see the other day that lacks style... 'My wife ran off with Bigfoot'. You're gonna tell everyone in the world you're such a shit to live with that she ran off with a beast? Gallagher: We are not descended here from a bunch of fat cave people that got ate by the dinosaurs. We're all descendents from the little bitty quick fuckers that got back to the cave! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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