Malibu Express (1988)

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  • [last lines] Cody Abilene: Would I help any woman in distress? Yes, ma'am, I would. Lady Lillian Chamberlain: Oh, Cody Abilene. My Abilene. Share this quote Lady Lillian Chamberlain: I do wish Luciana hadn't killed Shane. It's such an inconvenience. Good help is so very hard to find, you know. Share this quote Cody Abilene: All right everybody, this party's over! Share this quote Cody Abilene: We're in big trouble. June Khnockers: No shit, Kemo Sabe. Cody Abilene: You don't understand. I only have one bullet left and I've never hit a moving target in my life. Here he comes. June Khnockers: [Stands up and exposes her breasts] Hey, look at these! Luke: [Stops and stares] Yeah! [Cody shoots Luke] Share this quote Cody Abilene: We need this film developed. Rodney, the Photographer: Sure, no problem. Cody Abilene: Oh, by the way, it doesn't have to be good. Just fast. Rodney, the Photographer: Fast, not good. Huh. Sounds like most men I know. Share this quote Cody Abilene: All right, it's these hands. They're the lethal weapons. Beverly: Yeah, just be careful when you play with yourself. Share this quote Liza Chamberlain: Did you hear that she got raped this afternoon by two homosexuals? One held her down and the other one did her hair. Share this quote Shane: Thanks a lot, I enjoyed it. Liza Chamberlain: Damn you, Shane, you son of a bitch! Share this quote Liza Chamberlain: Cody, do you cook? Cody Abilene: Not much. Liza Chamberlain: Well, what do you usually make for dinner? Cody Abilene: Reservations. Share this quote May: Cody, Cody, Cody. I understand you're a private investigator. Faye: And we want to know if you'll investigate our privates. May: Mmm hmm. Share this quote 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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