Crazy Horse and Custer: The Untold Story (1990)

  • 美国
Crazy Horse and Custer: The Untold Story
  • 片       名Crazy Horse and...
  • 导       演 Norman Fos...
  • 又       名Crazy Horse and Custer: The ...




  • Gen. George Armstrong Custer: As professional soldiers, we best leave the question of morality to those whose job it is. Our job is to fight. Sgt. James Bustard: All right, let's start from the beginning! This is a horse. It's got four legs; two more than you got. It is something you ride. And in order to ride it, you've got to get on top of it. Crazy Horse: White man eat raw oysters, cook frogs, but grow pale about eating worms. You have strange ways, Yellow Hair. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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