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I Can Make You Love Me

I Can Make You Love Me (1993) 5.5

1993-02-09(美国)| 惊悚| 美国
上映时间:1993-02-09(美国) 类型: 惊悚
评分: 力荐

Laura Black has got it. She has got her master in computer science and she has got that great job in Silicon Valley. Time to say 'bye bye' t...更多>


Richard Farley: It's gonna be real hard for us to have a relationship if you keep refusing to go out with me. Laura Black: Rich, the only relationship that we're gonna have is a professional one in the office! Richard Farley: Don't make me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Laura Black: What is it? How far are you going to push this? What do you want? You want to kill me? You want to rape me? Richard Farley: You and I were meant for each other, Laura. Laura Black: Why me? Just tell me, why me? Richard Farley: All I know is, you and I were meant to be together, forever. Richard Farley: I want her to live. She can't regret it if she doesn't live. Penny: Do you understand that sexual harassment is against the law? You could be fired! Richard Farley: If I lost my job, I'd have nothing to live for. Penny: That's my point. We want you to stay. Richard Farley: I have guns. I'd kill myself. I wouldn't be the only one; others would go. Penny: Rich, are you saying if you were fired, you would kill me? Richard Farley: Yes. Not just you, I'd take others as well. [Long silence] Richard Farley: Excuse me. [Farley gets up and leaves] Lawrence Kane: [Mr. Kane spots Richard heading for the building as he is leaving work. Richard is carrying a rifle, 2 shotguns, a series of pistols and more than 200 rounds of ammunition] Whoa! [turns around as he walks past Farley] Richard Farley: [turns to face Kane] Hey Larry - Cowboys and Indians! [Farley fires his shotgun at Kane, then blows out the building's front doors and enters] Penny: It would be best if you didn't attend the aerobics classes. He might get wrong idea. Laura Black: What? Penny: The clothes? Laura Black: [angrily] You DON'T get it, lady! The problem here is Richard Farley! Not me! Penny: It would be best if you didn't attend the aerobics classes. He might get the wrong idea. Laura Black: What? Penny: The clothes? Laura Black: [angrily] You DON'T get it, lady! The problem here is Richard Farley! Not me!

I Can Make You Love Me

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