Rated X (2000)

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  • Artie Mitchell: Those cigarettes aren't going to kill you, brother. I am. Artie Mitchell: You got any pot? Lionel: Art, what the hell are you looking for? Artie Mitchell: The blow. The blow The blow! [on Jim's answering machine] Artie Mitchell: Hello mister perfect, I just called to say fuck you! Jim Mitchell: [directing] Fuck her like you mean it man. Artie Mitchell: What's your name again? Jamie the "Actress": Jamie. Artie Mitchell: Jamie, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Jamie the "Actress": [she laughs] Get out of here! Artie Mitchell: I'm serious, you're the most beautiful woman in this hot tub. Jamie the "Actress": So, where's your wife? Karen Mitchell: She's right here, Asshole! Jamie the "Actress": Bitch. Artie Mitchell: Honey! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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