"The Andy Dick Show" (2001)

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  • Andy: I swear to Christ I heard a goddamned Dracula underneath my bed! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Director: Hey, Daphne... you can lip-sync if you want... Daphne: Oh, ok, and you can just spite me 'cause this bitch ain't no Milli Vanilli. Daphne: I'm going to my trailer. TJ, trailer... Himself, Daphne Aquilera, The Boogie Man, etc...: [doing an Anti-Drug commercial] Drugs... aren't that bad. [Ashton Kutcher drops Andy's Dead Cat] Andy: Ashton Kutcher killed my cat! Ashton Kutcher: Goddamnit Andy, That cat is dead! Andy: Yeah, because of you catkiller! Are you gonna go out and drown some puppies now? How about strangle some babies while your at it! YOU KILLED MY CAT ASHTON KUTCHER, I HATE YOU! Himself, Daphne Aquilera, The Boogie Man, etc...: [doing a documentary on a man who thinks his racist dad was a superhero] My Daddy's superhero name was Kaptain Klean, but i don't know what the other K stands for. Daphne: [on a "Making the Video" parody] The concept of this video is: I'm so hot, everyone wants to screw me, and that's pretty much it. Andy: [as a designer on a makeover show, after giving the woman getting made-over shoes made from car tires] Not only are these shoes roomy, but they also provide all-weather traction. [repeated line] FEAR Contestant: BUT I'M THE SAFETY! Medical Patient: I have cancer. Andy: No, you mean you have ANGELS! Medical Patient: No I have cancer. Andy: [As Peebop the Clown] You're grandpa went to the big ice cream parlor in the sky! Andy: You guys are acting like stupid people. Like a bunch of stupid poor people! Like a bunch of stupid, poor ethnic people! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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