Sione's Wedding (2006)

Sione's Wedding
  • 片       名Sione's Wedding
  • 导       演 Chris Grah...


  • Derek: Soul man, don't be a hater. Be a playa congratulor. Aaliyah: Tyrique? Stanley: Aaliyah? Aaliyah: On Party Chat you said you were 6'6! Stanley: You said you were size 14! Aaliyah: I am! Stanley: Your feet, maybe. Stanley: Will there be any honies there? I'm sick of sleeping with girls as big as Savai'i. Tania: You slept with that Sasquatch? Stanley: Yeah, she showed up. It would've been rude not to. Albert: I have to go shopping. Michael: Shopping for your mum? Albert: Shopping for a hon-ay. Sefa: What are these? Stanley: Pants! Sefa: Who's wearing them? Stanley: You are! Sefa: Correct! Leilani: And who washes the skid marks out of them? Stanley: I'm more than a pair of fancy shoes you know. Bolo: My name is Paul. Sefa: Your name is Bolo until you earn the right to be called by your real name: Bolo! Leilani: What time do you call this, Sefa? Sefa: Bedtime? Albert: Man, we're gonna be banned from our own funerals. Albert: Et tu, Brute? Sefa: What are you speaking Maori for? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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