
太极旗飘扬 (2004) 6.2

Brotherhood 更多片名>

2004-02-06(韩国)| 动作 剧情 战争| 韩国|2小时20分钟
上映时间:2004-02-06(韩国) 类型: 动作 剧情 战争 时长:2小时20分钟
制作/发行:Kang Je-Kyu Film Co. Ltd. / 哥伦比亚三星家庭视频公司
评分: 力荐

  1950年6月24日。为了全家人的生计,振泰(张东健饰)每天在汉城钟路为人擦皮鞋,日子虽然过得辛苦,但只要一想到因自己的努力而终于步入大学校园的弟弟振锡(元斌饰),还有即将与恋人英信〈李银珠饰〉结婚而充满希望和幸福时,他就感到无比欣慰。   可是正当振泰沉浸在自己的幸福...更多>



无前例的韩影大制作 本片具备的雄厚实力于韩国电影而言是史无前例,不仅由拥有自己的电影公司的韩国大导演姜帝圭继《生死谍变》后阔别5年的全力巨作,又有两大韩国当红男巨星联袂主演,以及强大的投资和制作队伍。 显然,《太极旗飘扬》在这些超级制作外,拥有的是巨大的野心,它不仅要描绘那场影响韩国历史最重要的战争,表现普通人家兄弟在战争中的手足情,更要再现战争给朝鲜南北人民带来的灾难。 《太极旗飘...


Jin-tae: Look at me. Trust me.

Jin-tae: [pulls out Jin-seok's pen that he lost] I found this in the fire. I've been holding onto this for you.

Jin-seok: Give it to me... when I see you again.

Jin-seok: I wish this was all just a dream. I want to wake up in my bed, and over breakfast, I'd tell you that I had a strange dream. Then I would go to school, and you and mom would go to work.

Young-shin: [while trying to decide what to take along as they evacuate the house upon declaration of war] There's Kimchi pots buried in the yard. What will happen to them?

Jin-tae: [tears up the last will that Jin-seok was writing] Wills are for dying people. You've got to be strong.


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