


One More Round

剧情: JOSEPH REX is a common businessman who lives life quietly, risk free and overly out of shape. When a rival business associate dares him to enter an amateur boxi...

Anecdotes from 'Epidemic'

剧情: An all new documentary called Anecdotes from EPIDEMIC based on interviews with the cast and crew with an introduction by Peter Schepelern. As always when Lars v...

Pigs Will Fly

剧情: 美国 2005-05-05  2005|哥伦比亚 2003-10-11  2003|土耳其 2003-04-21  2003|德国 2003-01-09  2003|西班牙 2002-09-...

Children of Wax

剧情: 美国 2007-07-17  2007 (DVD premiere)


剧情: 25-year-old Alex Borden is handsome, charming, and intelligent. In fact, he may be too smart for his own good as his life is swiftly becoming a living hell. Ale...


剧情: 这是发生在曼德勒庄园的一个奇怪而令人烦恼的故事。曼德勒庄园座落在美国南部一片荒凉的平原上,1933年,格蕾丝和他的父亲离开了狗镇。格蕾丝的父亲带着他的黑帮手下,花了整个冬天的时间寻找新的落脚点,但都没有找到,现在他们一直向南做最后一次努力,希望找到一片有利可图的地方定居下来。在阿拉巴马州,他们的车偶然停在了一个...


剧情: A film director and a script writer (performed by Lars von Trier and Niels Vørsel themselves) write a screenplay, in which an epidemic spreads about the whole w...


剧情: 18世纪的中欧,尤其是在这个神秘的小国罗马尼亚,总萦绕着有关吸血鬼的故事。在软弱的人类无力控制的地区里,吸血鬼之王卡甘(本·金斯利饰)正肆无忌惮地拓展着其血腥的疆土。周边的人们要么逃往尚存抵御能力的硫磺城避难,要么变成了吸血鬼们的盘中餐、杯中饮,一道加入吸血鬼的行列。幸好还有一群勇敢的吸血鬼猎人,为了人类最后的...


Evil Eyes

剧情: 芬兰 2005-10-21  2005|意大利 2005-08-12  2005|俄罗斯 2005-08-07  2005|美国 2004-08-04  2004

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