


Toy Mountain Christmas Special

剧情: Each year on December 25th, 100\'s of 1000\'s of kids are not fortunate enough to experience the joy of this magical time of the year. Kids from all walks of li...

E! 101 Most Starlicious Makeovers

剧情: 美国 2004-04-11  2004


剧情: 简·瑞恩(艾什莉·奥尔森饰)还不足18岁,她拥有所有成绩优秀女孩儿的全部特征--勤奋好学、处事果断而又深谋远虑。向来一帆风顺的简再次走到人生必须经历的十字路口,这次为了登陆牛津大学深造,她必须参加哥伦比亚大学举办一个演讲比赛,以期赢得求知必备之物--Callahan Fellowship奖学金。假期来临之际,踌...



剧情: 娜塔莉(卡梅伦•迪亚兹 饰)、戴兰(德鲁•巴里摩尔 饰)与艾利克斯(刘玉玲 饰)三位“天使”依然效忠于查理先生,依然到处锄强扶弱。    艰巨的任务再次降临她们的身上,她们需要通过一些不同的密码,才能找到失踪的法官。虽然她们极力遵循规定保护所有的证人,可是证人还是不可避免都遇 害了。任务实行困难重...

The Challenge

剧情: It\'s an action adventure/adventure comedy. They play estranged twins with very opposite personalities. Lizzie (Ashley) is very focused and driven, while Shane ...

MTV Bash: Carson Daly

剧情: 美国 2003-07-13  2003Jeffrey Ross: It really is an honor for me, hosting a show in front of all of these extremely talented people... and the Hilto...


When in Rome

剧情: Leila and Charly Hunter are in Rome to participate in a Summer Intern Program. After they begin their jobs, they are immediately fired due to careless mishaps. ...

Getting There

剧情: This film is about Mary-Kate and Ashley turning sixteen years old and going on a road trip without parents. They are headed to Utah for the Olympics and arrive ...

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