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剧情: Billy Ray Lee and Guile (Johnny Yong Bosch and Jason Narvy of the successful Power Ranger television series) a pair of small time thieves bungle their biggest h...


剧情:   在不久的未来,复制人这项科技为人类带来的灾难远大于福祉,因此世界卫生组织下令,禁止制造复制人。然而,在诺瓦企业里有个叫做欧博士(Pat Morita,「阴风怒吼大蟒蛇」、「小子难缠」)的疯狂科学家却不顾禁令,发展出一种能操纵复制人心智的科技。诺瓦企业发觉后立刻开除欧博士,并撤销他的执照。心怀怨恨的欧博士为...


Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue: The Queen's Wrath

剧情: Queen Bansheera is out to destroy the Power Rangers, but when her henchmen, Diabolico, joins forces with the good guys, she really goes berserk and sets out to ...

"Power Rangers Time Force"

剧情: When a crimelord from the year 3000 finds that times are too tough, he goes back in time to 2001. And the Power Rangers of year 3000 come back to battle him. Th...


"Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue"

剧情: Five extraordinary teens carry on the legacy as the Lightspeed Power Rangers, the newest and most powerful team of champions ever, dedicated to fighting evil an...


Mirai Ninja

剧情: A man\'s body and soul are stolen and used as part of a demon castle. What\'s left becomes Cyber Ninja. He teams up with the chi students whose cyber-earmuffs s...

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