


Jane Eyre

剧情: Charlotte Bronte\'s classic novel is filmed yet again. The story of the Yorkshire orphan who becomes a governess to a young French girl and finds love with the ...

"The Phoenix and the Carpet"

剧情: 英国 1997-11-16  1997|芬兰 1998-03-30  1998



剧情: A disturbed young woman has trouble convincing her lover that she\'s a wolf, and her psychiatrist is sure he\'s discovered a new complex that will make his name...

The Return of the Borrowers

剧情: The borrowers leave there new home and find a model village just the right size for them. They find George but the village\'s owner also finds out about the bor...



剧情: 诺兰庄园的主人去世了,按照家族财产不能分割的传统,把几乎所有财产都给儿子约翰继承,而三个女儿和妻子只能得到很少的一点生活费用。在妻子芬妮的一力主张下,约翰逐步把四个女人赶出了庄园。芬妮的弟弟爱德华来庄园小住,爱上了三姐妹中的大姐埃莉诺,但这段姻缘却受到势利眼大嫂芬妮的百般阻挠,她想方设法阻止他们交往,并将爱德华...

Feast of July

剧情: This romantic story, based on a novel by H.E. Bates and set in late 19th century England, rests on sibling rivalry for the affections of a woman who comes to li...



剧情: 英国 1994-09-07  1994


Some Lie and Some Die

剧情: 英国 1990-09-30  1990Det. Chief Insp. Reg Wexford: Who was it that said everyone has their 15 minutes of fame in their life? DS Martin: I don\'t...


On the Black Hill

剧情: The story covers eighty years in the lives of a pair of Welsh identical twins with an unusual bond, as they go through war, love affairs, and land disputes. W...

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