电影网>明星资料馆>Peter New



Remission Impossible

剧情: 加拿大 2006-06-03  2006

Heart of Whistler

剧情: 加拿大 2006-11-30  2006


剧情: 当12岁的Pamela和她的父母在一家假日旅社度假时,隔壁的女孩给她讲述了“真实”的牙仙故事:很多年以前邪恶的牙仙屠杀了许多小孩,并带走了他们的牙齿,而现在她回来杀害Pamela和任何在她行动路线上的人。When 12-year-old Pamela (Munoz) goes on vacation with her ...


剧情: 20世纪70年代,体弱多病的小男孩比利(Cainan Wiebe 饰)降临人间,他不曾感受到父母的温暖,反而自幼备受虐待。他的母亲(Karin Konoval 饰)甚至串通情人杀害了比利的父亲,而这一切都被这个只有5岁大的小男孩看在眼里。可怜的比利从此被母亲囚禁阁楼,度过了黑暗而漫长的童年时代。某个圣诞夜,长成...


Good Times: Vol. 1

剧情: 美国 2005-06-10  2005

Man Feel Pain

剧情: Karl\'s experiment with self-inflicted pain leads to his inadvertent martyrdom when his insomniac neighbour, Clint, enters his life. Seeing the answer to the en...

The Boxing Day Classic

剧情: A pompous British documentary filmmaker suspects foul play as he documents "The Boxing Day Classic", a hockey game in Jasper National Park that has been...



剧情: Johnson\'s eating breakfast; his house mate Neil sits down gingerly and begins quizzing him about last night. Neil\'s bottom hurts and he wants to get to the bo...

No One Ever Suspects the Chinese Guy

剧情: 加拿大 2004-02-06  2004

Lucky Stars

剧情: 加拿大 2005-04-22  2005

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