电影网>明星资料馆>Ashley Rose Orr



Her Name Is Carla

剧情: 美国 2005-10-20  2005


"Summerland" Pilot

剧情: 英文简短剧情:   Ava Gregory is single and works as a fashion designer.Her life changes drastically when she finds herself taking care of her sister and brother in-law...

Learn to Hip Hop Volume 3

剧情: 美国 2004-10-12  2004

The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses

剧情: While trying to obtain "Tree Sweets", Littlefoot into the tree and knocks down all the blossoms, which attract the tiny dinosaurs, Tinysauruses. They de...


剧情:   故事发生在纽约的乡下,哈里特的丈夫不幸在二战中阵亡。此后她独自含辛茹苦的照顾女儿,养活一家人。女儿卡丽是一个男孩气十足、爱惹麻烦的小家伙,至今她仍为父亲的去世而耿耿于怀。在当地居民伯纳德向哈里特大献殷勤,打算向其求婚时,卡丽非常恼怒,随后搞出许多恶作剧。然而在周围人的影响下,卡丽终于意识到,自己现在应该学会懂事,抛...


剧情: Bradin, Nikki and Derrick are 3 kids from an average normal Kansas household. Their whole life is thrown upside-down when their parents are tragically killed in...


I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown

剧情: I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown! centers on ReRun, the lovable but ever-skeptical younger brother of Linus and Lucy. It\'s Christmas vacation and, as ...

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