电影网>明星资料馆>Pyotr Shelokhonov




剧情: 根据俄国作家托尔斯泰的同名小说改编而成。从 1911年对这作品改编后,世界各国就多次把它搬上舞台或电影,并且近百年来,世界影坛的各个时期的女演员以演安娜.卡列尼娜为荣耀。这次美国的苏菲.玛索成功地演出了这一着名女人,肖恩.比恩则成功扮演了她的情人渥伦斯基。故事讲述美丽且富有的安娜和她的情人渥伦斯之间的男才女貌的爱情,同...


Zhizn i priklyucheniya chetyrekh druzei 3. Igra s ognem. 4. Kot v meshke.

剧情: A forest ranger is having an adventure with three dogs that became friends with one cat. But this time the cat is much smarter and is the leader of the four fri...


Khmel - Film vtoroy: Iskhod

剧情: The second (and final) episode of an epic about the traditional life in a community of \"old believers\", who worship an old version of eastern-Orthodox Christi...


Khleb - imya sushchestvitelnoe

剧情: Khleb - imya sushchestvitelnoe (aka... Bread is the proper noun) is based on the eponymous book by Mikhail Alekseev. It is an epic about life of three generatio...



剧情: Moonzund (1987) is based on the eponymous book about the Russian Navy in the 1915-1917 WWI battles at the Moonzund Islands in the Baltic Sea. Two dramas are int...

Sreda obitaniya

剧情: Film is set in the Soviet Union during perestroika in late 1980s. Important file is stolen from archives. Stealing is done by Ozerov, who wants to sell it on th...


Krasnaya strela

剧情: Krasnaya strela (The Red Arrow) is the special train No.1 between Leningrad and Moscow. The film is set in the 1980's during perestroika in the Soviet Union. Kr...

Poslednyaya doroga

剧情: About the death and the 'last road' of Aleksandr Pushkin, the leading poet and writer of Russia, who was shot on a duel at age 37. Pushkin was defending the rep...

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