电影网>明星资料馆>Chris Leone



Zombie Farm

剧情: Hell has been unleashed on the small town of Muerto Verde when inbred cannibal farmers are turned into zombies after Taliban warriors poison the local water sup...


Potheads: The Movie

剧情: Four small town high school stoners get into trouble with the local drug lord GRIM when they run over his beloved dog SUMO, he gives them 48 hours to steal 25 p...


Dead in Texas

剧情: The film follows the lives of two bank robbing brothers who\'s car breaks down in the middle of the desert, they eventually come to a small town called HELLUGO....


剧情: 当差四年的洛杉矶警探特雷西斯托克斯快言快语,头脑机灵,可是天生的一付娃娃脸,让同行们总是心生“嘴上无毛,办事不牢”的疑虑,斯托克斯急欲通过破案立功来证明自己,最近他总算是逮住了一件凶案,其最后线索指向了一群高中学生,但这群学生可不简单,开跑车、穿名牌、啥时髦就玩啥,非富即贵,如何才能接近这群韦斯特伯瑞贵族高中的学生并查...

Self Medicated

剧情: Based on true events. Having recently suffered the death of his father, seventeen-year-old Andrew Eriksen\'s inability to cope with the loss catapults him down ...

Kill Johnny

剧情: 南非 2005-10-17  2005



剧情:   高中生马修(埃米尔·赫斯基 饰)是个憨厚老实的大男孩,他迷恋着政治,一直梦想能够像林肯那样成为美国众人仰慕的政坛风云人物。直到有一天,马修发现隔壁搬来了一个美丽性感的女孩,成为了他的新邻居。这个女孩满头诱人金发,性感火爆的身材几乎令所有男人都会喷血,马修立刻毫无救药地暗恋上了她。   一天晚上,正当马修打电话...

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