


The Failures

剧情: It all starts when Lilly embalms the school mascot, crashes her father\'s car into her mother\'s tombstone and ends up trying to help William kill himself. From...

"The Last Chapter II: The War Continues"

剧情: 匈牙利 2005-11-17  2005|加拿大 2003-03-05  2003

Fallen Angels

剧情: Abandoned and filled with a mysterious past, Holy Angel School for Girls is about to reveal its secrets of betrayal, jealousy, and vengeance. Rumours of hauntin...

The Red Phone: Checkmate

剧情: 奥地利 2004-04-01  2004|芬兰 2003-10-07  2003


剧情: 正当美国准备三十年来第一次把宇航员送上月球之时,一个阴谋之网却悄悄的张开了……  讲述了于2030年在地球展开的一场星际惊天大战的科幻大片《核武反击战》,汇集了众多好莱坞明星。 曾在电影《西雅图夜未眠》、《独立日》、《红色警戒线》、《鬼马小精灵》中出演了一系列主要角色的好莱坞影星比尔·普尔曼便是其中之一,他...


"Dernier chapitre: La Suite, Le"

剧情: This show is about an outlaw biker group, The Triple Sixers. Characterized as one of the largest outlaw biker gangs in the world, The Triple Sixers dominate Can...


剧情: 崔西威曼是一名有心电感应力的私家侦探,不过她有一个秘密:就是她以前的记忆都不存在,竞选总统的现任参议员阿米提吉,雇用她寻找失踪的女儿雷娜。 崔西因此遇见新世纪派系的领袖大卫曼兹,在曼兹的协助下崔西才了解她和曼兹一样都是冷战时代的实验品,当时在前国家安全局长,也就是参议员阿米提吉的手下沦为牺牲品,将他们卖给苏联...



剧情: Jett Jackson, who is the star of Silverstone, is considering quitting Silverstone when it is given a three year extension. During the filming of the last episod...

Inside the Kill Box: Fighting the Gulf War

剧情: Drawn from 200 hours of interviews with over 65 combatants of the Gulf War on both sides, including President George Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Norman Sch...

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