
https www.azls29.net xw1 2018年3月19日18时49分41秒

从电影频道搜索 结果 11 条

没事,没事,没事! (2023)

  • 简介: One year after the tragic loss of her mother, In-young finds herself without a home. She takes shelter in the basement of her dance school, but her secret sanctuary is in peril when the choreographer, Seol-ah, discovers her. [详细]

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肯尼迪纪事 (2023)

  • 简介: Sixty years after President Kennedy’s assassination, dive into the archives and the testimonies of the last living witnesses of the case to travel back in time thanks to the radically new medium of virtual reality. [详细]

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异星 (2024)

  • 简介: Hidden in the lost belongings of an Astrobiologist are clues for the journey ahead. Welcome to \\"Astra,\\" your ticket to the stars. This Mixed Reality Experience transports you from Earth to the deepest corners of the cosmos as you embark on a quest to uncover the key ingredients of life in the Universe. Step foot on planets and their dark moons in a search for future worlds and far away beings. [详细]

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芦苇荡 (2023)

  • 简介: In an Anatolian village, a young man named Ali is still deeply in love with his wife, Aysel, and dreams of winning back her affection. He harvests canes for a living but can\\\'t meet their basic needs as he refuses to submit to the local gang. [详细]

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被遗弃的孩子们 (2023)

  • 简介: Ten-year-old Audrey and her three siblings find themselves abandoned in an old house, where they were meant to be spending their summer holidays with their dad, but he disappears suddenly during the night. Initially, the kids wait in vain for him to come back, but they soon realise they’ll have to take care of themselves, which nonetheless won’t be easy. [详细]

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帝王 (2023)

  • 简介: This interactive VR experience puts you inside the brain of a man with aphasia. You not only share the experience of a father who has lost his speech, but also hear the story of his daughter, who is trying to communicate with him. She attempts to unravel the past that he can no longer talk about, and you join her in the puzzle. [详细]

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蚁女 (2023)

  • 简介: A phone that vibrates nonstop, a message drowned in tears; from the beginning, not only the thunder announces that Renata’s arrival will be the arrival of a storm. [详细]

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她从雾中来 (1981)

她从雾中来 7.3

二子开店 (1987)

二子开店 8.1
  • 主演:陈强 陈佩斯 黄玲 梁天 张静林 
  • 简介: 影片讲述了待业青年二子和蔴杆、大虎、小豆等朋友们创业开办“比家美”个体旅店,并与其父老奎“斗智斗勇”的喜剧故事,系喜剧系列片《天生我材必有用》之第二部。 [详细]

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黑三角 (1977)

黑三角 7.8
  • 主演:毕鉴昌 凌元 刘佳 林征 张平 
  • 简介: 我公安战士与国外派遣及暗藏的间谍进行斗争,最后一网打净。我北方某城松滨市。敌特窃取我“110号人防工程机密”后,迅速将其转移至松滨市交通点,并立即通知了国外的特务机关。不想这一密码被我公安机关截获。 [详细]

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搞定岳父大人 (2012)

搞定岳父大人 7.3
  • 主演:徐峥 许绍雄 林鹏 李凤绪 郭明翔 
  • 简介: 无房无车无存款的心理医生范坚强(徐峥 饰)跟着女友(林鹏 饰)回家,准备拜见未来的岳父大人。刚一见面,范坚强就被惊出几身冷汗:岳父苏伯虎(许绍雄 饰)富得流油真是要了他的命!但更要命的是自己知道他所有不可告人的秘密!眼见准女婿是一颗随时会把自己炸得身败名裂的定时炸弹,苏伯虎一不做二不休想尽歪招要赶走范坚强。妙计多端的范坚强怎么甘心束手就擒?他见招拆招,借力打力,伺机反扑,但是想搞定岳父大人谈何容易!于是,两个知根知底、旗鼓相当的对手上演了一场笑料百出的“癫疯”对决…… [详细]

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