American Fork (2007)

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  • 喜剧
American Fork
  • 片       名American Fork
  • 上映时间2007年08月11日(美国)
  • 导       演 Chris Bowm...


  • Tracy Orbison: What do you, tape record everything I say? It was a phase. I'm out of it. Tracy Orbison: [impersonating Kendis' dad] Don't get me wrong, I'm as potent as picante sauce - it's my wife who had the troubled womb. She was as impregnable as Hitler's bunker. Truman Hope: I believe that everyone has a mission in life. Me, I was born a healer and a poet. You think I chose this? You crazy? Truman Hope: You remind me of a character I once read in a novel... I just can't think which one. Truman Hope: [performing in a bad play] Attend the tale of lovers three, of sisters twain, and a rogue - that's me. Agnes Orbison: [praying] Father... I'm angry. I've been angry for a long time. Amen. Agnes Orbison: He's handsome, he's passionate, and let's not forget, he had a major role in a television series. Peggy Orbison: I think the next stuffed animal I get I'm gonna name him Ariel. Agnes Orbison: Honey, I'd like to see the day when you're naming real live human babies, not just plush ones. Peggy Orbison: Every time you try to create something beautiful in this world, the zombies want to destroy it. Tracy Orbison: Is this video appropriate for minors? Video Store Clerk: It's been banned in seven states. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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