"The Bronx Is Burning" (2007)

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"The Bronx Is Burning"


  • advertisement George Steinbrenner: [arguing with Billy Martin] I already got a pennant. I want a ring! if you can't do it, then I will get someone who will. Thurman Munson: [reading a magazine] Hey look at this about Reggie. "I'm the straw that stirs the drink". Billy Martin: You'll never silence Martin. I'm hyping my team up. Billy Martin: I'll manage what I want to manage! Reggie Jackson: [being interviewed] Benching me? No. why would he do that? Thurman Munson: [to Reggie Jackson] I don't want to fight with you Reggie. But, I don't like you. Reggie Jackson: He is comparing Thurman to a cocktail, he took whatever I said out of context. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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