
  • Katie Armstrong: Oliver Hartwin wanted to eat someone. Simon Grombeck wanted to be eaten. They were a perfect match. Simon Grobeck: I am your flesh. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Simon Grobeck: Bite my thing! Bite it off! Bite it off! Domino: I can't. There's someone out there for everyone. But I'm not that someone. Oliver Hartwin: You are delicious. Eager Man: [Eager Man meets cannibal through personal ad; strung up and about to be butchered, he changes his mind] I don't want to do this! Let me down! Let me down! Let me down! Oliver Hartwin: I said serious only. Oliver Hartwin: Do you still want to go ahead with this? Simon Grobeck: There's no way back for me. Only forward. Through your teeth. [last lines] Oliver Hartwin: [typing an email] Running out of flesh. Seeking for more! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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