
  • Nick Guest: I just think he's the most beautiful man I've ever met. Catherine Fedden: Darling, you don't fall in love with somebody *because* they're beautiful. People are lovely *because* we love them, not the other way round. Catherine Fedden: You're really very rich, aren't you, Sir Maurice? Sir Maurice Tipper: Yes. I am. Catherine Fedden: How much have you got? Sally Tipper: Oh, my dear, what a question. You can never exactly say, can you? It goes up so fast. All the time these days. Catherine Fedden: Well, roughly. Sir Maurice Tipper: Roughly... one-hundred-and-fifty million. Catherine Fedden: One-hundred-and-fifty million pounds? Sir Maurice Tipper: Give or take a few million, yes. Catherine Fedden: I noticed you gave some money to the appeal at Podier Church. Sally Tipper: We give to endless appeals and churches. Catherine Fedden: How much did you give? Sir Maurice Tipper: I don't recall exactly. Catherine Fedden: You gave five francs. That's about 50p. *That's* how much you gave. Gerald Fedden: [arriving] What's all this about? Sir Maurice Tipper: This young lady was giving me some criticism. Apparently I'm rather mean. Catherine Fedden: Oh, I didn't say that. Sally Tipper: You certainly implied it. Catherine Fedden: All right, I did. And if I was in charge I think I should stop people from having one-hundred-and-fifty million pounds. Gerald Fedden: Just as well you're not, then, Puss. Sally Tipper: They're going to have to learn. The homosexuals, I mean. Nick Guest: Actually, we are learning to be safe. [silence] Nick Guest: These days we use protection, and there are other things one can do: oral sex, for example - it's much less dangerous. Sally Tipper: ...Kissing, you mean? Sally Tipper: It's sort of sex-mad, the world we live in. Antoine "Wani" Ouradi: [smiling] I know. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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