新花样 (2006)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  爱情
  • 片       名新花样
  • 上映时间2006年01月29日(美国)
  • 导       演 Sanaa Hamr...
  • 又       名新花样 万象更新 Something New
  • 编       剧 Kriss Turn...


  • Joyce McQueen: This looks like a bordello in Bangkok. Kenya Denise McQueen: I don't do dogs. Brian Kelly: Neither do I. We're just good friends. Nelson McQueen: Mommie, Kenya's dating white boys now. Brian Kelly: I swear I didn't see it coming. Brian Kelly: I take hard earth and make things bloom. Kenya Denise McQueen: Can you believe he had the nerve to show up here with that white woman? Nedra: Last time I checked, Brian was white too. Walter: ...At the end of the day it's not about skin color or race. It's about the love connection: the vibe between a man and a woman. Kenya Denise McQueen: Dreams change. When I was younger my dream was to marry Rick James. Joyce McQueen: You've gone all bohemian, what has gotten into you? [turns to Kenya] Joyce McQueen: Do NOT answer that. Brian Kelly: Can I ask you one more question? Kenya Denise McQueen: Hmm? Brian Kelly: [grabs a piece of her hair] Can you take this off? Kenya Denise McQueen: [opens eyes] What do you mean? Brian Kelly: I mean, it's not a wig, right? But it's not your real hair either, is it? Kenya Denise McQueen: [stares at him for a moment, then sits up] I can't believe you just asked me that. Brian Kelly: I'm sorry, I'm just curious. Kenya Denise McQueen: It's a weave, if you must know. I thought you dated black girls. Brian Kelly: They had real hair. Kenya Denise McQueen: I have real hair too. Brian Kelly: Underneath? Kenya Denise McQueen: Yes, underneath! Brian Kelly: So what, they just... they sew it in? Kenya Denise McQueen: Something like that. Cheryl: You did what? Nedra: With who? Kenya Denise McQueen: I know. But... it was raining and we were hiking and - Cheryl: You were hiking? Kenya Denise McQueen: And we just got carried away. Nedra: All right. Well, can he bone? Cheryl: Nedra! Nedra: What? Cheryl: Don't be so crass! Nedra: Oh, please. Cheryl: Well, can he? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Nedra: See. Kenya Denise McQueen: Well, yes. Nedra: [Nedra, Cheryl, and Suzette all become excited] Now you're talking, girl. He got a big - Kenya Denise McQueen: Yes! Kenya Denise McQueen: [about Nelson's girlfriend Stacy] I hope she has a magic coochie. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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