
  • Sgt. "Scream" Silas: I was going home today, i was going home after a year in this sh**hole and yesterday they tell me that i'm staying 90 more days and taking on a squad of virgins! guess what the Sergeant you trained with had have his tonsils out. I Guarn-god-damn-tee you that one of you fools will do something stupid and get yourself killed within the week, [yells] Sgt. "Scream" Silas: within the week, damn it! Pvt. Frank 'Dim' Dumphy: [holding up a sign with Arabic writing on it] Do you think this squiggly shit really means "halt"? Pvt. Avery "Angel" King: That's how it looks in the Sarges' phrasebook. Pvt. Frank 'Dim' Dumphy: Yeah, but if we got one of the dots wrong it could mean "Sunnis suck" or something. Pvt. Avery "Angel" King: As long as it don't say "Ram This" I'm cool. Sgt. "Scream" Silas: We didn't come for your oil! We came to kick your ass! Sgt. "Scream" Silas: It smells like a barnyard in here. Pvt. Frank 'Dim' Dumphy: It smells like a slaughterhouse. Sgt. "Scream" Silas: How do you know what a slaughterhouse smells like? Pvt. Frank 'Dim' Dumphy: How do you know what a barnyard smells like? Sgt. "Scream" Silas: There are farms on Long Island... [stares at Dim for a second] [repeated line] Iraqi Kid: I beat you, America... I beat you! I beat you! I beat you! I beat you! Lieutenant Underpants: [interrogating the squad] Which one of you is spreading rumors about me and hinting that I be reassigned? Sgt. "Scream" Silas: [appears behind the Lieutenant] I am, sir. So if you want to scream at anyone, you yell at me. But I scream back, sir. That's why they call me "Scream". Vanessa Dunphy: You're an a--hole Mr. Howard. Five minutes from now I won't be yelling but you'll still be an a--hole. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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